Ian H
Cory and I first arrive to the First United Methodist Church in excitement on the warm fall day! We both walk out of the car and start heading to the front door passing by some Harlan kids playing football that Cory knew from years before Covington when he went there. Finally when we arrive we hear yelling and screaming excitement we both look at each other and think ten minutes in till it officially starts. We look around trying to find someone we know. Then a few minutes later Chloe, Mae, and Kathleen arrive to the front door where everything is happening. Cory and I race to them in joyfully.
When we got back in way back of the line with Chloe, Kathleen, and Mae there was two minutes left till seven O’clock we go over what we want to do. Then when the clock struck 6:59 every ones phone came out and everyone started counting down 59, 58, 57, 56, 55…3, 2, and 1 and so on.
It finally stared I thought to myself. The line pushed to the front to when the little 6thgraders fall to the floor (Like I Did It Was Funny) When all the 7/8 graders rush to the front stomping all over the little ones. Finally we got to the front and we could get a quick breath of air and then go back down again to the cold dirty floor where the hard enchase feet push to the front to the pay station.
When we finally got to the line part to get in we all had to pay our $5 admission fee and then proceed to the waver station then when we get to the tables and we see Fiona, Lilly and Grace behind the mesh screen. And we start Talking. Were you guys the first Ones Here I said. ‘’Yep they replied we got here at 6:30. ‘’
Then after our little chat we fill out the waver/raffle ticket and fill out the information like as Name, Email, Address, School, and Parent Info. And then continued with the line to get the wrist band the 6th grade color is red and the7/8 color is purple and I was kind of sad because my favorite color is purple (it’s Stupid I know.) And so then we enter the party and had a great time for the next three hours!
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